Standing with refugees this Sukkot

This Sukkot, we’ve joined with four Rabbis to speak out against the ‘move-on’ period’. This harsh policy gives new refugees just 28 days to find housing, work, and access support: consequently many new refugees are forced into homelessness. Together, we’re calling for the ‘move-on’ period to be doubled to 56 days, and for new refugees to be given a fair chance to rebuild their lives.

Watch the video

Hear from Cantor Zöe Jacobs, Rabbi X, Y, Z and HIAS+JCORE’s Executive Director, Rabbi David Mason

How to take action

Join us and advocate for change! Use our template letter to urge your MP to support extending the ‘move-on’ period to 56 days.

We’re also looking for supporters to meet with their MPs – if you’d be interested, please contact our advocacy intern, Rebecca, today.

Email your MP and call for change today

Why are we calling for change now?

Each year, our fragile Sukkahs reminds us of our ancestors’ journey through the desert, with these temporary dwellings their only shelter. Countless refugees around the world today share this same need for a safe, permanent place to call home.

Sadly, this need is still felt by all too many displaced people in the UK. Our refugee policy fails to give refugees and people seeking asylum the hospitality and welcome which are central to Sukkot. So for this year’s festival, we’re putting Jewish values into action, and urging politicians to put compassion and responsibility first.

Related News

A moral imperative: The Jewish case for extending the 'move-on' period
A row of terraced houses