Organisational operations
1. Managing the office, ensuring team members have the space, equipment, and services they require;
2. Ensuring HIAS+JCORE is meeting all requirements around regulations including implementing health and safety policy and procedures, and arranging and ensuring staff attendance at relevant training;
3. Responding to external phone and email enquiries;
4. Administering HIAS+JCORE’s DBS system for staff and volunteers;
5. Supporting the running of HIAS+JCORE events, including booking and liaising with venues, ensuring events run to budget, and arranging staff and trustee away days.
6. Liaising with the charity’s insurance provide.
1. Managing recruitment and inductions of new staff, maintaining personnel files and HR records;
2. Managing processes around holiday and leave;
3. Liaising with the charity’s payroll provider and ensuring relevant documents are sent to staff;
4. Ensure that employment law and other relevant legislation is being complied with;
5. Ensuring staff compliance with all HIAS+JCORE and HIAS policies and processes.
Finance support
1. Working with the freelance finance manager to ensure timely updating of accounts and payments;
2. Oversee staff payment cards;
3. Fundraising administrative support.
Governance and staff support
1. Coordinating the work of the Board of Trustees, including organising Board meetings and papers, attending meetings and taking minutes;
2. Administrative tasks relating to liaising with and updating records held by the Charity Commission and Companies House;
3. Administrative support and diary management for Executive Director and Deputy Director.
1. Responsible for the management of HIAS+JCORE’s IT systems. Ensure data protection laws are being adhered to. Point of contact for the ICO;
2. Ensuring regular safety testing;
3. Work with partners at HIAS to implement new systems;
4. Working with the team to implement our new CRM system.