Our Giving Community

Become a HIAS+JCORE Giving Community member and join our committed group of donors, passionate about supporting and empowering displaced people.

Our community members enable our mission for a UK where refugees can thrive, free from racism. 

As a Giving Community donor, your support ensures that the people we work with not only know that they are welcome, but also have opportunities to flourish through our transformative projects. 

By joining, you will enable: 

  • Our work engaging the Jewish community with this vision.
  • HIAS+JCORE’s advocacy, bringing the Jewish values case for a fairer, more compassionate asylum system to MPs and policymakers 
  • Impactful projects which help displaced people build confidence, overcome barriers, and integrate into their new lives. 

Please download our Giving Community brochure for full details

Learn more about our Giving Community

You can choose from three different levels of giving. 

  • Friends of HIAS+JCORE donate £500+ across a 12-month period. 
  • Our Silver level members donate £1,000+ across a 12-month period. 
  • Our Gold level members donate £2,000+ across a 12-month period. 

Please email our Executive Director, David Mason, if you would be interested in joining.

Contact us to learn more

All of our Giving Community members receive an exclusive welcome pack, quarterly newsletter, with a personal update on our work from HIAS+JCORE’s Executive Director, and are thanked in our letterhead, annual report, and website. 

Our Silver and Gold lever donors also receive a number of additional benefits. Please download our Giving Community brochure to learn more, or contact our team to discuss.  

Download our brochure to learn more

Read our 2024-27 strategy and see the work your support will enable

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