Joining Limmud is always a highlight in our calendar – and we were delighted to lead and run a number of sessions at 2023’s festival.
With more than 1,600 people in attendance at the annual event, it was great to share our message with community members across the country.
HIAS+JCORE’s involvement began with our Executive Director David Mason outlining his vision for our work leading the UK Jewish response on refugees and racial justice, at ‘Building a Jewish movement supporting refugees and fighting racism‘.
We were then proud to facilitate two sessions from Monim Haroon, HIAS Israel’s inspiring Advocacy Manager, ‘Violence amidst the silence: Darfur in 2023‘ and ‘Does Israel help refugees‘. Monim spoke powerfully about his own personal experiences, alongside discussing the situation for asylum seekers and refugees in Israel, particularly amidst the present conflict, and the current emergency in Sudan and Chad. You can read a full write-up of Monim’s sessions in Jewish News.
Returning our focus closer to home, our involvement concluded with a panel event, ‘Do Jews have a future in the UK?‘. Chaired by David Mason, the session featured barrister Sarah Sackman and Board of Deputies chief executive Michael Wegier. A capacity audience heard a discussion of social cohesion, and if there are reasons to be cheerful since the current conflict – visit Jewish News for a full write-up.
It was fantastic to speak to over 500 participants at this year’s event – and join fascinating conversation and debate. We’re looking forward to this December’s festival already!