Oct 1, 2024

Our 2024 Rosh Hashanah message

This Rosh Hashanah feels unlike any in recent memory. As we reflect on the past year, for all too many, it has been one marked with bitterness. At home in the UK, we have seen too much division, too much hate, and too much pain.

But Rosh Hashanah reminds us of renewal and resilience. So when we dip our apples in honey this year, we do so hoping that the New Year brings a UK more united – and one which is much sweeter for all.

Let us all commit to a New Year in a society which is more compassionate and welcoming, where all can thrive.

Shana Tova from all at HIAS+JCORE.

Watch our Executive Director’s Rosh Hashanah message

Portrait of David Mason, HIAS+JCORE's Executive Director. David is wearing a blue shirt and dark blue suit jacket. Watch Video

Watch our Rosh Hashanah message from HIAS+JCORE’s Executive Director, Rabbi David Mason.