Our General Election manifesto
Jun 19, 2024

This election is an opportunity for a rethink: it is clear that the UK’s asylum system is not working. But a better, more compassionate and welcoming alternative is possible.
That’s why we’re launching ‘Our Call for Compassion‘, HIAS+JCORE’s 2024 General Election manifesto.
Within it, we outline our vision for a UK where refugees and asylum seekers can flourish, and which is welcoming and inclusive – ensuring that displaced people feel part of our country, not excluded from it.
For too long, displaced people have faced an environment marked out by cruelty. As British Jews, we have been in that position before: facing hostility, as we sought refuge from persecution. We as a people cannot stand by while refugees suffer today.
What are we calling for?
Led both by our Jewish values, and the experiences of young people on our JUMP befriending programme, we’ve identified three key policy priorities for the next government:
- Tackling the housing crisis for refugees
Including ensuring displaced people have decent housing, and doubling the ‘move-on’ period for new refugees to 56 days.
- Reversing legal aid cuts
From 2012/13 to 2022/23,legal aid spending fell by £728million (in real terms). This has had a catastrophic impact – these cuts must be reversed, so asylum seekers can access justice.
- Ending cruel, pseudoscientific age assessments
Far too many children and young people are wrongly being assessed to be adults. This leaves them at serious risk of harm.
Want to take action?
We desperately need an asylum system which is fair and compassionate. Join us today, and ensure your local candidates hear a strong Jewish voice in defence of displaced people.
- Share our manifesto with your candidates – and use it to ask a question at hustings.
- Spread the word, and pass it on through your networks and on social media.
- Vote on July 4th to support refugees and asylum seekers.